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Retirement Advice, Including Defined Benefit and Direct Property Decisions

A Yield Client Case Study


Eliminated debt by selling one property.


Receiving full pension payments.


Identified more affordable options, for savings over time.

We recently completed a retirement plan for long term clients of ours. Successful property investors, they were interested in advice on whether they should sell one of their properties to eliminate debt or if carrying the debt into retirement was the most appropriate solution.

The husband was fortunate to have worked in the government education system and to have what is now a legacy Defined benefit scheme for his superannuation, which they wanted advice on the pension/lump sum option they should take for their situation.

For those of you who do not know, Defined Benefits increase in potential value based on a factor of final average salary and multiple years of service. As the husband had been a long-term employee, the defined benefit value had grown significantly.

In this case, the defined benefit was able to be drawn on at retirement in one of three ways:

  1. Taking the balance as a lump sum, which can be transferred to another super fund or withdrawn.
  2. Taking the balance partly as a lump sum and partly as a lifetime pension.
  3. Taking the balance entirely as a lifetime pension.

Our clients were uncertain which of the options would be most suitable to them and each held appeal.

Our first step was to quantify the monetary value of each of the options to the clients over time, which we based on assumed rates of return. We always take a cautious outlook on this, given the purpose of the money is to fund retirement. The goal was to ensure that under each option, the client would be receiving the same level of income.


  • The full lump sum option could see the balance depleted by age 79.
  • The part pension and part lump sum option could also see the lump sum balance depleted by 79 and a lower ongoing pension than if a full pension option was selected.
  • The full pension option could work out to be by far the best option, with the risk that they both need to live beyond age 79.

Defined benefit pensions are generally indexed each year, as this one was, ensuring the ongoing income keeps pace with the cost of living increasing. The amount of pension they offer at retirement is determined using a formula that is affected by the life expectancy of the client, meaning that a full pension option might be a poorer option should the client die early, but could also work out to be a very profitable option should they live much longer than life expectancy.

As our clients are in good health and had other assets as well, it made sense for us to recommend they take the full pension option. In addition, the pension from the defined benefit comes with a reversionary option, meaning that should the husband die first, the wife would continue to receive a pension equal to two-thirds of the original amount.


Having identified the full pension option as our preference, we next undertook detailed scenario analysis of their situation to demonstrate how their situation could play out at retirement. As their annual expenditure is actually lower than the full pension alone, let alone including their other assets, it painted a very promising picture for them, demonstrating they still had significant wealth even by age 90.

Understanding this, we also overlaid how selling down one of their properties they had been considering selling could affect their situation. While they had a solid equity position, there was also a relatively large amount of debt commitment for retirement and they foresaw some future maintenance that would be required on one of the properties. While holding the two properties could have resulted in the best financial outcome, our advice was to sell one property. The outcome was no debt, which means lower risk and on balance, considering all of their other objectives were being met, this seemed like the sensible solution.

We advised them on sale times that could work out more favourably for managing capital gains tax and some superannuation strategies to further minimise this liability.

Lastly, the clients had been long term users of our superannuation service and we identified another product that offers all of the same features that they use with their existing super funds, only at a cheaper price. We provided advice around this to save money over time, along with implementing a re-contribution strategy, which reduces the amount of tax their adult children might pay upon the death of them both.

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Important Note
The content of this case study has been based on a real-life client. Any information provided here is general advice only and does not consider your objectives, financial situation or needs. This information should not be taken as comprehensive and does not constitute legal or financial advice. You should seek legal, financial or other professional advice before relying on any content. Yield Financial Planning is not responsible to you or anyone else for any loss suffered in connection with the use of this information. Information is only current at the date initially published.

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We have entrusted our wealth creation and future security with Yield Financial Planning for a number of years now. They truly are professionals who have stayed ahead of the game by making strategic decisions at the right time and have always given sound advice. Security for our future is in great hands. Thanks Yield Financial Planning!!!

Yield Financial Planning has provided us with professional expert sound advice. It is always a pleasure to deal James and his team who always have our best interests at heart and has set up a sound plan for retirement. James and his team have provided first rate advice and funds management. I have confidence in James’s competence and integrity.

Yield Financial Planning have been excellent in their advice and investment strategies being a pleasure to work with over many years. Their strategies and constant portfolio reviews making changes when needed have guided us right through from our working days, the GFC and now retirement. We hold Yield as being an invaluable necessity.

Just the excellent service we receive and doesn’t matter how many questions we have; the staff are happy to oblige. They follow things through and let us think about important and critical matters methodically with a helping hand along the way. So overall the Journey is pleasant, professional and comprehensive yet it is explained to you what could help you or your needs.

I’ve been with Yield for more than 10 years and I’ve found the advice invaluable in helping to navigate life’s twists and turns. Highly recommended 5 Stars!

I would like to congratulate Yield Financial Planning, for their high quality of care, expertise and knowledge they have provided in ensuring my future growth is heading in the right direction. These qualities have reflected both in results and the ongoing follow up as an existing client, which I find reassuring.

Have been with Yield for a few years as my financial planners, and was very pleased when they announced their Mortgage Brokering Services – their Broker had great communication, and at no time was I unsure of where we were in the process. Being my Financial Planner, I was much more comfortable knowing they had my interests at the forefront of all negotiations – rather than getting a mortgage broker off the street who is probably aligned with a bank. From a more financial perspective, Yield saved us over $5000 per year through reduced interest payments alone – I highly recommend looking into Yield Financial

Penny O’Grady & Trevor Shevchenko
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Cover page of the Good Fortune Guide

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