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What is Contributions Tax on Super?

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Retirement Planning Successful retirement planning requires your investments to last your entire life after-work, which requires a long term and well thought out structure for you to achieve this.

Superannuation is complex, with lots of rules to get your head around, and you may find yourself asking, ‘what is contributions tax on super?’  

Superannuation is designed to provide you with a method of wealth accumulation for your retirement, and to grow your nest egg, regular contributions are encouraged. However, before you jump in it’s important to be aware of the various components of superannuation and the various implications involved. For example, contributions tax on super.   

In this blog, we will explore what contributions tax on super is and emphasise the significance of financial planning throughout the process, by unpacking the following points:  

  1. What is Contributions Tax on Super? 
  2. Types of Contributions 
  3. Importance of Financial Planning 
  4. Investment Strategies 
  5. Retirement Planning 
  6. How Yield Financial Planning Can Help 

What is Contributions Tax on Super? 

Contributions tax on super refers to the tax imposed on contributions made into your superannuation fund. Understanding the implications of this tax is essential as failing to do so could negatively impact the growth of your super balance. The Australian Tax Office (ATO) provide a comprehensive outline of the significance of superannuation and its policies, which may be subject to change each financial year. 

Types of Superannuation Contributions: 

There are two main types of contributions but only one attracts contributions tax:  

  1. Concessional Contributions: These are contributions made to your superannuation fund before-tax. Concessional contributions can include employer contributions as well as salary sacrifice if you opt into an agreement. These contributions are taxed at a rate of 15% or up to a maximum of 30% for people earning over $250,000 and taxed within your fund. Concessional contributions can help minimise your taxable income, providing desirable tax benefits.  
  1. Non-Concessional Contributions: These contributions are after-tax and include personal contributions that are not claimed as a tax deduction. Non-concessional contributions are not subject to contributions tax.  

It’s essential that both kinds of contributions are understood, to optimise your contributions and yield the full potential of your finances.  

Importance of Financial Planning: 

Financial planning plays a critical role in optimising your superannuation and managing the contributions tax effectively. Having a robust financial plan in place can provide you with benefits such as: 

  1. Maximising Contributions: Receiving quality financial advice can help determine the optimal amount of money you should contribute to your super. Considerate of your financial goals, tax considerations and contribution limits set by the ATO to maximise your wealth. By maximising your contributions within the allowable limits, you can get the most from your retirement savings potential and secure your ideal retirement lifestyle.  
  1. Tax Efficiency: Understanding the tax implications of your superannuation contributions is vital for effective financial planning. A financial planner can guide you in structuring your contributions in a tax-efficient manner, taking advantage of available deductions and minimising the impact of contributions tax. They can also help you make use of strategies such as salary sacrificing or personal deductible contributions, to optimise your tax position. 

Investment Strategies: 

Financial planners can assist you in choosing the most appropriate investment strategies within your superannuation fund. Helping you align your investment strategies with your risk tolerance, timeframe and retirement goals in mind. Diversifying your investment portfolio could potentially result in greater returns and more secure long-term benefits. Helping you accumulate a greater superannuation balance over time. Once you move into retirement, investment advice is integral to help preserve your funds, while maintaining growth for the future.  

Retirement Planning: 

Financial planning extends beyond just the accumulation phase, well into retirement and can help determine the most suitable retirement income strategies for your circumstances. Seeking the assistance of a financial advisor can provide invaluable guidance for options such as account-based pension, annuities and other income streams which can help you maximise your retirement income, while minimising associated tax implications.  

How Yield Financial Planning Can Help: 

Yield Financial Planning understands the intricacies of contributions tax and the importance of bespoke financial plans. By collaborating with the Yield team, you can create a comprehensive strategy that maximises your superannuation contributions while minimising tax implications through our personalised approach.  

Tax planning

Contact a Yield Advisor Today: 

Yield Financial Planning is your trusted partner in navigating the complexities of contributions tax and superannuation planning. Yield advisors can provide comprehensive financial planning services tailored to your individual needs and goals. Take the first step towards a well-planned retirement by reaching out to Yield Financial Planning today to secure your financial future and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with effective financial planning. 

Remember, any decisions you make today regarding your superannuation can have a significant impact on your financial future. Contact a Yield advisor today to start the conversation about how you could maximise your superannuation and answer the question ‘what is contributions tax on super’.  

Important Note
Any information provided here is general advice only and does not consider your objectives, financial situation or needs. This information should not be taken as comprehensive and does not constitute legal or financial advice. You should seek legal, financial or other professional advice before relying on any content. Yield Financial Planning is not responsible to you or anyone else for any loss suffered in connection with the use of this information. Information is only current at the date initially published.

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